DVD Special Edition

Altes Pfandhaus
Kartäuserwall 20
50678 Cologne, Germany

Photo: Margret Schopka
Friday, 24. May 2013
Start: 6 pm
Program: 7 pm

Admission free

A DVD Special Edition (Limited Edition: 200) is published. This includes a contribution of each participating artist (except musicians).

Video films from the program of the evening, spoken texts by the writers with moving images, cinematic portraits of artists at work as well as experimental audio-visual adaptations from fine art-works.

The DVD is intended for non-commercial purposes. Each artist receives free copies. DVDs will be available during the event for a donation of at least 15 euros. If a relevant sum is reached, the donation amount will be divided among the artists.

DVD in metal box with laser engraving, total length: approx. 60 minutes.

Booklet, handwritten numbered, 46 pages with 19 color images.