Altes Pfandhaus
Kartäuserwall 20
50678 Cologne, Germany
Last updated: 20 Mai 2013 | 20:20
The “blue hour ” (Blaue Stunde) describes the twilight time between sunset and the dark of night. This deep blue mood pervades an evening of videos exploring the interplay between the regions above and below the surface, the place where the individual pieces of the whole are rejoined.
Video art forms the main focus of 'Blaue Stunde', and from the realm of the virtual it returns to a framework based in reality. Together with fine art, music and readings, 'Blaue Stunde' creates a shared experience for the audience.
This diverse video programme, TRACKS -
BLAUE STUNDE V takes place in the exhibition rooms of the “ALTES PFANDHAUS” and is sponsored by the “A und A Kulturstiftung, Köln” and is part of the programme of the “Sommerblut Festival”.
Idea, execution and artistic direction: Beate Gördes
Assistant curators: Karin Meinel and Margret Schopka